Girls Inc. of the Berkshires
Girls Ages 5–18
About the Program
Although we changed our name in 2005 to be more inclusive of our varied programs, we remain committed to meeting the special needs of girls. We are an affiliate of National Girls Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring all girls to be strong, smart, and bold.
Our program shares this mission and we offer holistic, innovative programs that help girls confront subtle societal messages about their value and potential, and prepare them to lead successful, independent, and fulfilling lives. Specific national programs address resisting harmful substances, community action, teen pregnancy prevention, science, math and technology, sports and fitness, media messages, self-defense and violence prevention, lifeskills, economic literacy and financial concepts. This program serves girls ages 5–18 with a specific emphasis on teens.
The only Girls Inc. Affiliate in Berkshire County offering nationally recognized programming for girls
Provides outreach programs in schools throughout Berkshire County
Specializes in healthy sexuality, economic literacy, violence prevention, and STEM programs
Berkshire United Way Community Partner
For More Information
Contact Sarah Gillooly at by email or phone at 413-442-5174, ext. 17.